Women's Entrepreneurship Day!

A day to celebrate…

Today is Women’s Entrepreneurship Day...a special occasion I'd like to celebrate to honor my fellow females in this crazy, amazing, thrilling (and at times seemingly impossible) journey we willingly embarked upon! I am spending the day at the Rye Artisan Boutique, where local business owners share their goods with the community, devoting 15% of proceeds to the Rye Historical Society. Please see Fitz stories for event info and stop by if you're in the area! 


Teach your daughters to worry less about fitting into glass slippers and more about shattering glass ceilings.


A couple of interesting stats I came across on women entrepreneurs:

  • Women currently own 31% of small business or franchises in the US 

  • Women of color own 89% of new businesses 

  • 1972 marked an important moment for women in business as it was the first year the US Census Bureau gave data on women-owned and minority owned businesses. Since then, we've gone from 400,000 women owned businesses to over 3 million in the US!

Starting a business is never easy and the toll it takes on your emotional, physical, mental health and relationships is way more intense than I ever imagined. That said, being an entrepreneur also means you are lucky enough to build something you love and constantly reach new heights and accomplishments you never dreamed possible. I love talking to other female entrepreneurs as they have offered me the most valuable lessons and advice on how to build a business and maintain a healthy attitude while doing it. If you’re a fellow female founder, I’d love to hear how your experience is going and about opportunities to support others in this community. Please contact Fitz at femalefounders@fitz.com if you have an opportunity you’d like to share with us or ways we can collaborate together.

At Fitz, we have an affiliate program for those who are as excited about our product! If you’re interested in joining our movement while earning commission for your and discounts for friends and family, please contact me at heidi@fitzframes.com for more more information!


Enjoy this wonderful day and your weekend!




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