Fitz Measurement Tips

The Fitz Measurement Process is a critical part of creating your perfectly fitting glasses. It can seem tricky at first, but with a few tips you can measure yourself with our app in just a few seconds.

Tips for all steps in the Measurement process:

  1. Sit or stand up straight, and look straight forward while holding the phone about 18 inches away from your face (as if you were taking a selfie).

  2. Make sure both your ears are fully visible, and not covered by hair, a hat or other object.

  3. Make sure your whole head is visible in the frame.

  4. Move slowly to complete each of the three measurement steps.

Tips for the Profile Measurements process:

  1. Move slowly, following the green arrows. Each arrow is helping you position your face at the correct angle. It may be easiest to focus on one arrow at a time. Starting with the up/down arrow, slowly moving your head until it disappears. Then slowly turn your head to follow the right/left arrow.

  2. While following the arrows, twist or turn your head (don’t tilt).

  3. Once you are in the correct position the green arrows will disappear and the 3-2-1 count down will start.

  4. If you move too quickly or too far the arrows will disappear but the countdown won’t start. If this happens, just reset by looking straight ahead at the phone and try again.


You can reach us via:

Phone: +1 (833) SEE-FITZ, +1 (833) 733-3489.
